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At Aul Financial Group, Inc., we are dedicated and committed to providing our clients with the highest level of services possible. Since the beginning we have made every effort to further our knowledge and obtain licenses so that we may provide a wider range of services to our community. We are licensed to market securities, life, and health insurance, fixed indexed annuities, long-term care insurance, and more. As an independent financial firm, our team is positioned to help you reach your financial goals and to provide you with unbiased guidance when providing investment recommendations. When we operate in our capacity as investment adviser representatives, we are held to the fiduciary standard when offering investment advisory products and services. This means that we have an obligation to put the client’s best interest first, as well as disclose potential conflicts of interest when suggesting those products as part of your investment strategy.

The fiduciary standard of care applies to products and services offered through the financial professional’s capacity as a licensed Investment Adviser Representative. Insurance products are sold based on the suitability standard at both the state and insurance carrier level; this means that product recommendations must meet the stated financial needs and objectives of the client.

Steve’s designations as an investment advisor representative:


Available at designationcheck.com, adviserinfo.sec.gov, and sbs.naic.org

The ChFC® & CLU® mark are the property of The American College, which reserves sole rights to its use, and is used by permission.

What is an investment advisor representative?

A registered person who makes recommendations or otherwise renders advice regarding securities, manages accounts or portfolios of clients, determines which recommendation or advice regarding securities should be given, and provides investment advisory services, or supervises individuals who perform any of the foregoing on behalf of a RIA.

What is a Life & Health Certification?

A life insurance license means that we have been approved by our state to sell life insurance, including term, whole, and universal policies.

What is a Chartered Life Underwriter® (CLU)?

From: https://www.theamericancollege.edu/sites/default/files/2023-12/clu-brochure.pdf

A chartered life underwriter is a professional designation for individuals who wish to specialize in life insurance and legacy planning. Individuals must pass a series of courses and examinations to receive the designation.

The CLU designation is one of the oldest credentials in financial services, dating back to the late 1920s. It represents a thorough understanding of a broad array of personal risk management and life insurance planning issues. The program also stresses ethics, professionalism, and in-depth knowledge when delivering advice in the areas of life insurance, business planning, and estate planning.

What Is a Chartered Financial Consultant® (CHCF)?

From: https://www.theamericancollege.edu/sites/default/files/2023-12/chfc-brochure.pdf

A Chartered Financial Consultant (ChCF) is a professional designation representing the completion of a comprehensive course consisting of financial education, examinations, and practical experience. Chartered Financial Consultant designations are granted by the American College upon completion of eight required courses and two elective courses. Those who earn the designation are understood to be knowledgeable in financial matters and to have the ability to provide advice.

The training for a Chartered Financial Consultant includes lessons in understanding key elements of the financial planning world, such as retirement planning, estate planning, insurance, investments, and income taxes. There is also curriculum on how rules within those segments change in relation to small business planning, financial planning for households in the process of divorce, or for families who have special needs dependents.

What Is a Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP)?

From : https://www.theamericancollege.edu/sites/default/files/2023-12/chfc-brochure.pdf

The RICP is designed for financial professionals seeking to specialize in retirement income planning. It gives you the skills to build sustainable retirement plans using an approach-agnostic methodology.

What Is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP)?

From Investopedia: https://www.cfp.net/

Certified Financial Planner (CFP) is a formal recognition of expertise in the areas of financial planning, taxes, insurance, estate planning, and retirement (such as with 401(k)s). Owned and awarded by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc., the designation is awarded to individuals who successfully complete the CFP Board’s initial exams, then continue ongoing annual education programs to sustain their skills and certification.

What Is The National Producer Number (npn)?

From: https://nipr.com/help/look-up-your-npn

The National Producer Number (NPN) is a unique NAIC identifier assigned to individuals and business entities engaged in insurance-related activities regulated by a state insurance department. The NPN is used to track those individuals and business entities on a national basis.

What Is The Better Business Bureau (BBB)?

Better Business Bureau helps United States, Canada, and Mexico consumers find businesses and charities they can trust. The BBB rating is based on information BBB is able to obtain about the business, including complaints received from the public. BBB seeks and uses information directly from businesses and from public data sources. BBB assigns ratings from A+ (highest) to F (lowest).

What kind of exams does an Investment Advisor Representative have to pass?

From: https://www.finra.org/registration-exams-ce/qualification-exams

When a person is preparing to become an Investment Adviser Representative, they must pass qualifying exams administered by FINRA. Below is a list of exams one would need to take:

Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) Exam

Passing the SIE alone does not qualify an individual to become registered as an Investment Adviser Representative.

To become registered to engage in securities business, an individual must also pass the SIE and either the Series 63 and Series 65 or Series 66 exam.

Series 63

In most states, all potential registered representatives are required to pass this exam, which covers the principles of state securities regulations and rules prohibiting dishonest and unethical practices.

However, to become an investment adviser representative, this exam is not required. If an individual has passed this exam and wants to become an Investment Adviser Representative, they are required to also pass the SIE and Series 65. The combined Series 63 and Series 65 combined are equal to the Series 66 and the Series 7 is still a co-requisite.

For more information on Series 63 exam please refer to https://www.nasaa.org/exams/general-exam-information/series-63-exam-content-outline/

Series 65

Series 65 enables a financial professional to give clients investment advice and analysis. If the professional wishes to sell packaged investment products or to buy and sell securities, they must pass the Series 7 to become an Investment Adviser Representative. /p>

For more information on Series 65 exam please refer to:

Series 65 Exam Content Outline

Series 66

The Series 66 exam is a state-specific license that allows license holders to act as financial advisors and transaction coordinators for securities-based products. It is regulated by NASAA, which provides the steps to becoming licensed. There is no prerequisite for the Series 66 exam. However, Series 7 is a co-requisite exam that needs to be successfully completed in addition to the Series 66 exam before a candidate can apply to register with a state. The combined Series 63 and Series 65 combined are equal to the Series 66, and the Series 7 is still a co-requisite.

For more information regarding Series 66 please refer to: https://www.nasaa.org/exams/general-exam-information/series-66-exam-content-outline/

The Bottom Line

Before you consult with an individual regarding your retirement, it’s always a good idea to check to make sure you are working with a qualified individual.

For more information, please view https://adviserinfo.sec.gov/.